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Wheels & Tires Buyer's Guide for Honda Civics

Wheels & Tires Buyer's Guide for Honda Civics

A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Wheels and Tires for Your Civic

We know what wheels and tires work best with Civics. This guide will give you all the information you will need to find the wheels and tires that fit your Civic best. To find wheels and/or tires for you Civic, just follow these 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Use our Wheel Configuration Reference found further down on this page to find what bolt pattern, wheel sizes, and offsets will work with your Civic. Your new wheels must be the same bolt pattern as your original factory wheels, but you can choose a different size and offset. In general, we DO NOT recommend getting a wheel that is more than 2 inches taller or 1.5 inches wider than your factory wheel. Now, browse through the wheels we offer and select a set that you like and are available in a configuration that will fit on your Civic.

Step 2: Next, use our calculator below to find out the tire sizes that fit best on the wheels you selected. Our calculator outputs a list of tire sizes that are considered to have near perfect fitment, which means no speedometer inaccuracy, ABS problems, etc. We don't sell tires, but there are usually quite a few local options to purchase them. You can even use your current tires if they match one of the sizes our calculator recommends.

You can find your factory tire diameter, profile, and width by looking at your owners manual, or by looking at the markings on the outside of your factory tires (see the tire measurment section near the bottom of this page).

Factory Tire Diameter (inches):
Factory Tire Profile:
Factory Tire Width (mm):

New Wheel Diameter (inches):
New Wheel Width (inches):

Step 3: You should also pick up some lug nuts to go with your new wheels. Every wheel on our website says what type of lug nuts it needs (either "standard" aftermarket lug nuts or "tuner style" aftermarket lug nuts). All our aftermarket lug nuts are tapered to ensure the best wheel fitment. Your factory lug nuts will most likely NOT work with your new wheels, so it is important that you get some good quality aftermarket lug nuts! For installation, tighten each lug nut using a criss-cross pattern, usually to 80 lb-ft of torque each. Re-tighten each lug nut after about 100 miles of driving.

TIP: With our wheels, it is not necessary for you to purchase "hubcentric rings." This is because the wheels we sell only accept tapered aftermarket lug nuts, which will automatically center the wheel if installed properly.

Lug Nut Thread Reference
Use this reference to figure out what type of lug nut thread to get for your Civic.

Vehicle Make Model Year Range Lug Thread Lug Type
Honda Civic 1988 to 2016 12 x 1.5 Lug Nut
Honda Civic (All Except Type R) 2017 to 2025 12 x 1.5 Lug Nut
Honda Civic (Type R) 2017 to 2021 14 x 1.5 Lug Nut
Honda Civic (Type R) 2023 to 2025 14 x 1.5 Lug Nut

Wheel Configuration Reference
Use this reference to determine which wheel sizes and configurations will generally fit your Civic best. Please note though that this is just a general reference guide: you should always double-check to make sure the wheels you are getting will actually fit. THIS GUIDE IS CONSERVATIVE, ESPECIALLY FOR OFFSETS, SO IT IS VERY POSSIBLE WHEELS BEYOND THE RECOMMENDED SIZE AND OFFSET WILL WORK JUST FINE.

Vehicle Make / Model Year Range Bolt Pattern Wheel Size Range Wheel Offset Range
Honda Civic 1988 to 2000 4x100 (14x5.5) to (17x7.5) +35mm to +45mm
Honda Civic (All Except Si) 2001 to 2005 4x100 (14x5.5) to (17x7.5) +35mm to +45mm
Honda Civic (Si) 2002 to 2003 4x100 (15x6) to (17x7.5) +35mm to +45mm
Honda Civic (Si) 2004 to 2005 5x114.3 (16x6.5) to (18x8) +35mm to +45mm
Honda Civic (Si) 2006 to 2015 5x114.3 (17x7) to (19x8.5) +38mm to +48mm
Honda Civic (All Except Si) 2006 to 2015 5x114.3 (16x6.5) to (19x8.5) +38mm to +48mm
Honda Civic (All Except Si and Type R) 2016 to 2021 5x114.3 (16x7) to (19x8.5) +35mm to +48mm
Honda Civic (Type R) 2017 to 2021 5x120 (19x8.5) to (20x9.5) +45mm to +60mm
Honda Civic (Si) 2017 to 2020 5x114.3 (18x8) to (20x9) +40mm to +55mm
Honda Civic (Si) 2022 to 2025 5x114.3 (18x8) to (20x9) +40mm to +55mm
Honda Civic (All Except Si and Type R) 2022 to 2025 5x114.3 (16x7) to (19x8.5) +35mm to +48mm
Honda Civic (Type R) 2023 to 2025 5x120 (18x9) to (20x10) +45mm to +60mm

More Information on Wheels and Tires
Here is a quick overview of how tires are measured:

Sample Tire: 215/45ZR17 89Y
Spec What it Means
215 The section width. Also called the "tire width". This is how wide the tire's contact patch is (in millimeters) when inflated.
45 The aspect ratio. Also called the "tire profile". This is the ratio between the tire's section height and section width. Section height is just the height of the rubber you see around the wheel, multiply it by 2 to get the total vertical space that the rubber takes up.
Z The letter Z is present here only if the tire's true speed rating is in excess of 149 mph. The old way of measuring tires actually had the tire's speed rating here. Tire buyers got used to seeing the "ZR" on a tire as meaning "high performance" and so tire manufacturers have kept it here eventhough it is not necessary. Note that, just because a Z is present here, it does not mean that the tire's true speed rating is a Z - it could be a W or Y, which are both ratings above 149 mph.
R The R stands for Radial, which is how the tire is constructed. Don't worry about this because almost all tires are now radial.
17 The inside diameter of the tire. Also called the "tire diameter". Always match this with your wheel diameter.
89Y The "Service Description", which is a load index number combined with a speed rating. With Civics and other imports, you usually don't have to concern yourself with the load index as it is always sufficient for how the tire is intended to be used. The higher the load index, the more weight a tire can hold. For example, a load index of 85 means each tire can hold 1135 lbs and a load index of 91 indicates 1356 lbs per tire.

The speed rating is the tire's maximum recommended speed. Some common ratings are: H = 130 mph, V = 149 mph, W = 168 mph, Y = 186 mph, Z = 149+ mph (a Z rating technically means "above 149 mph" but in practice it usually means "somewhere above 186 mph". It is best to consult the tire manufacturer to get the true maximum recommended speed on Z rated tires.)
Note: To convert millimeters to inches, divide by 25.4.

Lastly, here are some other concepts that are important in wheel and tire selection:

Term Definition
Wheel Bolt Pattern (PCD) Specified by the number of wheel bolts and the diameter (a.k.a. PCD or Pitch Circle Diameter) of the imaginary circle made by connecting those wheel bolts. For Civics, if you have 4 bolts then its 4 x 100mm, 5 bolts is 5 x 114.3mm. These are standard sizes for all years.
Offset This is how far the mounting surface of your wheel is from the "centerline" of the wheel. A more positive offset will cause your wheel to mount closer to the inside of your wheel wells. A offset that is too far out of range can cause rubbing problems, either on the fender (offset too low) or on the inside of the wheel well (offset too high).
Hubcentric / Lugcentric To prevent vibrations, a wheel must be centered when it is installed. These are the two ways to center wheels when you mount them: Lugcentric uses the lug nuts themselves to center the wheel, and Hubcentric centers the wheel around the hub. Since all the wheels we sell only accept aftermarket "tapered" lug nuts, they are automatically Lugcentric.

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